Alimony / Spousal Support
Today, courts often refer to alimony as spousal support and award it based on need and ability to pay, not on gender or as a punitive measure, as was in years’ past. With many households depending on two incomes, alimony has evolved over time to become more inclusive of the wife’s earnings and considerate of the financial contributions of both spouses during the marriage. In addition to general spousal support, alimony is also considered payment when one spouse supports another through graduate programs or higher levels of professional schooling.
How much alimony will I have to pay?
When determining alimony, a judge reviews health and earning potential, basic needs of the wife/husband and child/children, living expenses and estimated income taxes. Other issues depending on the family, may come into consideration when determining alimony payment and type.
If alimony payments are not timely made, the receiving spouse may enforce payment through a contempt of court motion. Conversely, modifications can be filed or mediated between ex-spouses if a change of circumstance occurs, and the original payment amounts set forth in the divorce decree can no longer be met.
Spousal support can perpetuate negative interactions between ex-spouses, especially if the required payments are not made. Work with the attorneys at Williford, McAlister, Jacobus & White, LLP to ensure you receive the spousal support you deserve and the representation to handle all matters relating to modifications or contempt of court motions. We understand that having to deal with spousal support issues after divorce can be disheartening. Our family law attorneys are accomplished in negotiating spousal support payments and leading associated legal proceedings.